Once data is extracted from the documents, use Infrrd’s proprietary business rules to get crucial intelligence from it. The business rules feature is like a Lego. You can build simple intelligence like standardizing date formats or even complex data business processes like document routing. Give your business data a brain of its own to achieve true automation. Save huge data operations costs by automating the most low-cognitive, repetitive data processes with Infrrd.

Process Intelligence

Apply business logic to extracted data to make processes intelligent. Configure alerts and notifications for high priority client documents. Meet and Exceed SLA expectations for critical processes.

Set it and Forget it

Makes your business smarter by offering a faster turnaround time. You only configure them once but it makes data consumable every single time for every single document.

Understanding IDP Series

In this Gartner report series, dig deeper into the steps of IDP to data validation

Ready to get started?

See our platform in action to experience the transformative efficiencies it can bring to your processes